4 servings
This stew is one of my favorite dishes – very simple, with the divine aromas of the peasant cuisine (savory, fresh peppers, leeks …).

9 medium-sized potatoes cut into big pieces
1 leek, sliced
1 onion, cut into half moons
2 big-sized red peppers cut into bigger pieces
sunflower oil to taste (for frying of the onion/leek)
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp smoked red paprika
black pepper to taste
1 tbsp, heaped, savory
parsley to taste, finely chopped
1 cup tomato puree

In a tray (in the oven), fry onion and leek until soften.
Add the rest of the products and the spices (without parsley and tomato puree). I use water to cover half of the content (or at your discretion; keep in mind that the vegetables release some water during heat treatment, and moreover, I will add tomatoes later). The dish should be a type of a thick stew.
Bake at 200ᴼC for about 40 minutes. Stir up periodically to let the vegetables roast on all sides. At the end I add parsley, tomatoes and bake for another 10 min.

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