12 pieces
Very appetizing summer recipe with a typical Mediterranean flavor. Replace the cottage cheese with Feta (or another kind of hard white cheese) if you have at hand. Do not miss the dill to make your meal fresh and fragrant.

12 pcs. peppers (I choose bigger and bulbous ones, Bulgarian kambi are also suitable);
for the stuffing:
½ garlic head, minced
675 grams cottage cheese, unsalted (if cottage cheese is replaced with cheese, I can skip salt or reduce it);
6 eggs
1 big bundle of dill, finely chopped
black pepper (or pepper mix to taste)
1 tbsp salt (if cottage cheese is used)
1 tbsp Greek spice (mix of oregano, thyme and others)
I will need something more:
2 tomatoes, cut into slices
tomato puree to taste (several tablespoons)
sunflower oil to taste
Deseed the peppers and remove their handles. Rinse them. I make small cuts with a knife, 2 cm from the tops (to let them breathe and the stuffing does not leak out).
If the peppers are too big, you can split them by two, so that the two parts resemble small boats (see the photos).
Mix well all the products for the stuffing (I add the cottage cheese at the end). With this mixture, I stuff the peppers. Put them in a tray. On them, I put tomato slices (tomato slices could be put on the holes of the peppers on the top – like lids). Season all the content of the tray with sunflower oil and tomato puree. Add a little water (cover the bottom of the tray, keep in mind that both vegetables and stuffing release water during baking). Sprinkle with the Greek spice (I add it in the stuffing too).

I seal the tray with aluminium foil. Bake in a preheated oven at 200ᴼC. Shortly before they are ready, I remove the foil and let the peppers to roast on the surface.

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