10 servings
My friends have fun with me, because wherever I go, I always manage to find sour cabbage (sauerkraut). I can eat only this kind of cabbage, prepared in all versions and I always cook it in huge quantities. The recipe requires patience, baking is slow, but it’s worth it.
Products you need:
2.5 kg of sauerkraut (well rinsed, usually, it is very salty)
2 large stalks of leeks
2 tbsp. of savory
2 pieces of dried sweet red peppers, chopped (could be more)
black pepper to taste
sunflower oil to taste (the more, the better, the cabbage likes it)
1 cups of rice (Basmati)
160 g of black olives, pitted (unsalted)

Place the finely chopped cabbage and the leek in a tray. Add savory, black pepper and sunflower oil. Pour water to cover 2/3 of the volume. Bake in preheated oven at 200ᴼC for 90 minutes. Stir periodically.
Then I add the rice, olives and some extra water (to cover the contents and a little above, the rice will absorb some of the water, so if needed, add more during baking). Bake for another 30 minutes, stirring frequently.
5 minutes before it is ready, add the dried peppers.

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